The Trustee roles

We are seeking two trustees with extensive experience to take up roles within the Quality and Service Delivery Committee, one as the Chair. Ideally, candidates will be locally based with in-depth local knowledge and availability to attend meetings in person. Familiarity with the healthcare and social care systems, particularly Integrated Care Systems (ICS), is highly desirable.

The time requirement and flexibility for the Chair role (up to 15 hours per month) favour part-time, semi-retired, or fully retired individuals and candidates should also be capable of coordinating, administering, and chairing meetings effectively.

For the non-chair appointment, whilst the time commitment is less (up to 8 hours per month), the appointed individual will have oversight of safeguarding and so exposure or awareness is desirable. 

We are looking for individuals who are calm and methodical, solutions-focused with strategic thinking, creative thinkers who bring new ideas to overcome challenges and evolve service delivery, courageous and resilient in the face of challenging market conditions, and possess a continuous improvement mindset.

Click the image to download the full recruitment pack.

Copyright: Caring Together